Incubation is a process of the development new organism, the final stage of which is the appearance of the brood. The incubation is the leading  technique in poultry industry, it aims at the development of mass production of poultry meat and eggs. Every farmer  who is keeping poultry has one goal – to maximize profits. Productivity increases by improvement of methods and techniques in poultry breeding and mainly feeding..

To the profitable incubation it is necessary to pay special attention to the quality of the feed. First of all, the grain must meet all sanitary requirements. Additionally, poultry diet should include essential vitamins and nutrients.

Please note, not all grain is safe and suitable for feeding of poultry. At the present time contamination of feed by mycotoxins, toxic substances that are produced in mould fungi, has become a huge problem. The fact is that contamination can occur at any stage of production from ripening period of crops, including delivery and storage. Toxins significantly reduce the nutritional value of feed, destroy vitamins. If the feed with toxins   get into the body of the animal, the consequences will be disastrous.

Types of toxins

According to the origin the toxins are divided into:

  • Mineral;
  • Plant;
  • Animal;
  • Bacterial;
  • Fungal (mycotoxins).


The reason of toxins entering into the body of  poultry is low-quality food, which has not passed a special treatment or stored in violation of the basic sanitary requirements. The longer toxins are in the feed, the greater their concentration is, and thus the detrimental effects on the organism is increased.

Signs of toxicosis in the incubation period

The main signs of toxicosis in the incubation period are:

  • Reduced productivity;
  • The formation of thin, fragile shells on the eggs;
  • Violation of fertility (ability to produce viable offspring);
  • Low hatchability;
  • Mass deaths;
  • embryonic mortality.


Dangerous toxins in feed for poultry and the impact of toxins on incubation

Embriotoxicosis is a defeat of embryo by  toxins, resulting in the its death. If the feed contamination is not detected in time, up to 50% of all embryos can be lost. This situation threatens the economic condition of the poultry farm.

It is important to remember that the feed additives of animal origin such as meat or fish meal are perishable. The microscopic fungi begin to develop there, and, in turn, to produce toxins. Feed contaminated with toxins loses all their nutritional properties,the fat-soluble vitamins break down. While getting into the body of the animal such feed can cause significant harm to life. As a result, the yolk becomes brown, white spots appear on vitelline membrane, lining of the uterus becomes inflamed, there are failures and dysfunction of the oviduct glands.

Organic acids are widely used in the poultry industry. They have antibacterial, antifungal and antibacterial effects, improve nutrient absorption, increase the productivity of poultry. Importantly, add organic acids to the extent as in the case of excessive penetration into the organism, they can disturb the metabolism and cause toxic dystrophy.

Selenium in excess is capable to degrade the hatching properties of eggs. And it increases the risk of embryo mortality, causes birth defects and deformities.

The bacterial toxins may be present in feed additives of naturally origin. They can cause a lot of problems: pollution and green color of amniotic fluid, atrophy of limbs, abnormal formation of the skeleton.

The negative impact of mycotoxins on incubation

Mycotoxins – toxic substances that are produced by mould fungi. To date, there are more than four hundred of which. They affect crops and input to an animal organism through the feed.

Mycotoxins are harmful to the immune system, increase susceptibility to various diseases. Additionally, mycotoxins affect the hereditary material in cells of an organism. Mycotoxins in the egg can cause disruption of gene expression, which subsequently significantly affect the reproductive health of poultry. Consequences may include a bad egg production by hens, poor hatchability of chicks.

“Mikasil” – reliable means in the fight against mycotoxins

To date, the most effective method to fight the mycotoxin adsorbent is a special preparation “Mikasil” by company “Globus”. Due to its porous structure, the product “links” toxic substances and removes them from the body with the feces. “Mikasil” is absolutely safe, not harmful for microflora, has antibacterial properties and improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The product has passed all laboratory tests, and meets all the standards and requirements. “Mikasil” is  a reliable proven means for controlling mycotoxins!