BIPOLAR mycotoxin binder “Mikasil” – A unique product that will help preserve the health of your herd

What is the danger of mycotoxins?

Mycotoxins are toxic substances that are formed as a result of vital activity of mold fungi. They hit the vegetables, fruits, grains and legumes.

Mycotoxins are very dangerous. Getting in the body of the animal, they cause poisoning – mycotoxicosis. In addition, toxins of mold fungi can cause impairment of renal function in an animal, the development of problems in the central nervous system, reduction the effectiveness of the immune system, the occurrence of dendrodochiotoksiсosis (the disorder of the cardiovascular system). If treatment is not started in time, may die from 30% to 100% of the total livestock.

High risk of mycotoxins is expressed in the extreme toxicity. Even a very small amount, for example, only one mold spore is able to penetrate into the interior of the product. Infection occurs very quickly. If an animal gets the affected by mycotoxins feed, the outcome will be disastrous. Animals can get sick or even die as a result of a farmer runs the risk of incurring huge losses.

Mycotoxins in grain and feed

The problem of mycotoxins has been known since ancient times. In 1129 in Paris more than 14 thousand of people were died due to the mycotoxin. They all ate the bread that was infected with ergotoxine of ergot  cereals. Since the mid-twentieth century the problem of mycotoxins become global.

Scientists have proved that the presence of several mycotoxins in the feed increases their deleterious effects. As a result, animal’s reproductive health is suffered, increasing the likelihood of birth weakened, sick offspring.

According to FAO (UN organization for agricultural production), mycotoxins are present in 60% of the feed, 20% of them exceed the allowable level of toxicity. It is therefore necessary to take seriously the issue and choose an effective tool to combat the mycotoxins.

Mycotoxin binder “Mikasil”

Mycotoxins have their own classification. Each of these affects the specific products and has toxic effects. To date, such mycotoxins are known as:

  • Zearalenone;
  • Deoxynivalenol;
  • T-2 toxin;
  • Fumonisin;
  • Aflatoxin;
  • Ochratoxin;
  • Patullin and others.


To combat mycotoxins many products have been developed and released, but not all of them can eliminate the pathogenic action of several toxic substances.

The real breakthrough was the creation of the additive “Mikasil-BP.” This drug was developed by «GlOBUS» with the joint participation of Ukrainian and foreign scientists. This efficient enterosorbent able to adsorb all the currently known mycotoxins. The product has passed a special laboratory testing and met all the requirements and international quality standards.

The fight against mycotoxins

What is the secret of “Mikasil-BP”? It is all about innovative technologies and development, thanks to which the company «GlOBUS» managed to create not just a sorbent,but a bipolar adsorbent. Its main feature – the ability to adsorb mycotoxin molecules with different charge. Thus, the “Mikasil-BP” fights with almost all known mycotoxins.

The effectiveness of the mycotoxin binder “Mikasil”

If you still doubt the ability of the adsorbent bipolar overcome all the different mycotoxins, we are pleased to announce that the company “GlOBUS”  is ready to demonstrate the effect of “Mikasil” product under a condition of single farm. A good experience is guaranteed to dispel all doubts.

More recently, mycotoxin T-2 practically did not yield sorption. But the “Mikasil” coped with this task. According to the research the product absorbs more than 70% of mycotoxin T-2. Today, “Mikasil-BP” is actively used for the treatment and prevention of mycotoxicosis in poultry, pigs, cows and other animals.

Causes of mycotoxicosis in birds and animals

Mycotoxicosis – poisoning by toxic substances (mycotoxins) that enter the body of the animal with the food. The first symptoms appear after 1-3 days. In animals, there is loss of appetite, general depression, cramps, indigestion, shortness of breath, skin redness. The disease occurs in many ways. It depends on the species and quantity of mycotoxins, which entered the body. The symptoms can be general in nature and suitable for a variety of diseases, that is why vets can be very difficult to make an accurate diagnosis. The most favorable environment for the development of mycotoxin producers – humidity and temperature from +18 to +50 degrees. Under such conditions, most fungi actively proliferate and infect feed.

Mycotoxins can cause other diseases. In recent years, such diseases  as pododermatitis, pectoral myopathy, ascites are increasingly began to detect in birds . Cases of sudden death are also increased.

How to deal with this scourge? Unfortunately, such a conventional method as a mikotoxicological feed analysis is ineffective. As a result, you are aware of the presence of mycotoxins, their level at the same time is within the normal range. For most farmers it will not cause no worries, but in vain. If several mycotoxins present in the feed, it is an alarming signal. You should contact your veterinarian, or livestock may have problems with productivity and viability.

It is better to prevent the problem than to eliminate its consequences. For this reason, we recommend that you include “Mikasil” – bipolar mycotoxin adsorbent in the animal diet. It is effective for both prevention and treatment of mycotoxicosis. In addition, it is an aid in the treatment of intestinal infectious diseases. Today, “Mikasil” – the only drug that is able to deal with all known mycotoxins.